
Hello to you!  Welcome to our new page.  Chic isn't it?  I know, its been a while. I feel like we dyed our hair and lost ten pounds.  Yes, that good!  If you have missed me (and all our antics) I humbly apologize and welcome you back!  If this is your fist time visiting, well...get ready!   

Our Story:

Tha Farmer's Daughter is a lifestyle blog.  Yeah, I know, you are rolling your eyes right now.  I'm certainly not an expert on anything.  I do however, have many opinions and thoughts.  I also dabble in book writing, sell some items online and try new things on the daily.  Get ready for a few shameless plugs of the other businesses (you've been warned)! And yes, The Farmer's Daughter was already taken so I settled for Tha.  I don't really see the huge issue there since most of us pronounce it THA anyway. I'm an active Pinterest "tryer," always on a diet, always trying to drink wine less and workout more...see we already have so much in common!?  Think of us as a Basic Bitch, but older.  I have no issue with Starbucks or Rosë, its just not my jam and  too damn expensive.  Instead, i'll blog about a copy cat low calorie  coffee version and how I think cheap Red Wine is just as good as Rosë

Please and Thank you :

Thank you for visiting and PLEASE be nice.  I will of course let you share your opinion as long as it is not insulting or mean.  Aka, if you hate my Lemon Squares, just say you didn't like them and give me some genuine feedback; too Sugary, etc.  Certainly don't be rude to other commentators or you will be reported and blocked! I swear I say this while a smile.

That said,

Welcome once again and have a fantastic day!

Tha Farmer's Daughter
& Contributors 


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